How to check the BIOS version on Windows x

Milan has been enthusiastic virtually PCs ever since his babyhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. Before joining WindowsReport, he worked as a front-end web programmer.
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Posted: November 2016

  • BIOS

    is a very important part of your PC and if y’all want to update it, y’all outset demand to cheque the BIOS version.
  • In that location are many methods of checking the BIOS version but the easiest i is to utilise a control-line tool in Windows 10.
  • Another solution is to become the system data with a dedicated Windows tool.
  • You can also try checking that data in the registry every bit shown in our solution below.

How to check BIOS in Windows 10


Every PC has a
chip on its motherboard, and you lot can access BIOS and change certain hardware settings with ease.

BIOS is a crucial role of every PC, but sometimes you demand to check which version of BIOS are you currently using, and today we’re going to evidence you how to do that on
Windows ten.

You usually need to check your version of BIOS if yous’re planning to update it with a newer version.

If you’re an advanced user, information technology’s e’er expert to know which version of BIOS are you using in order to keep track of potential issues related to that version.

Finding the version of BIOS that yous’re currently using isn’t that difficult on
Windows 10, and you can exercise that by using one of our solutions.

How can I check the BIOS version on Windows ten?

1. Use Control Prompt

  1. Type
    in Windows search and click on Run as ambassador under
    Command Prompt
    to launch the app with full privileges.
  2. When
    Control Prompt
    opens, enter
    wmic bios go smbiosbiosversion,
    and printing Enter.
  3. Now you should see
    and the version of your BIOS in a new line. In our example, our version is
    0507, but you’ll get different results on your PC.


Some users recommend to use systeminfo command. To do that, just start Command Prompt every bit administrator, type
and press Enter.

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You should at present meet all sorts of system data. Look for
BIOS Version
value to see the version of your BIOS.

Equally y’all can see, checking your BIOS version with Command Prompt is relatively simple, and you can do that simply by entering one command.

Command Prompt
is an extremely powerful tool that allows you to make all sorts of changes to your system by using the command line.

In addition to making changes, y’all tin too use Command Prompt to view important arrangement data, such equally BIOS version for instance.

2. Use Organisation Information tool

  1. Press
    Windows Key
    + S
    and enter
    arrangement information.
  2. Select
    Organisation Information
    from the list of results.
  3. When
    Arrangement Information
    window opens, select
    System Summary
    in the left pane.
  4. In the correct pane look for BIOS Version/Date. In our case, our BIOS version is


System Information tool contains all sorts of useful information regarding your PC. Using this tool you can run across data related to both your hardware and software.

This method might exist simpler for some users, and it also shows additional information regarding your BIOS such as the type of BIOS that yous’re using along with its version.

Using System Information tool you’ll get access to more information regarding your system and BIOS, and so be certain to endeavor information technology out.

3. Use BIOS

  1. Open
    Kickoff Carte
    and click the
    push button.
  2. Concur the
    cardinal and click
  3. You’ll see three options available. Select
    Troubleshoot, select

    Avant-garde options

    and click on
    UEFI Firmware Settings
  4. Click the
  5. Your PC will now restart and you lot’ll access BIOS.

Y’all can check your version of BIOS only by accessing BIOS itself. Accessing BIOS is simple and you just need to proceed pressing
Del, F2, F10 or F12
keys on your keyboard while your system boots.

To run into which key you need to press in order to admission BIOS nosotros propose you to check your motherboard manual.

Your PC might also tell y’all to press a specific key in gild to access SETUP during the boot sequence, so keep an eye for that message.

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After you manage to enter BIOS, yous need to check its version. To do that, only navigate to the Main tab and expect for
BIOS Version

Skilful Tip:

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, specially when information technology comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an fault, your system may be partially cleaved. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your car and identify what the fault is.

Click here
to download and get-go repairing.

This value can sometimes be hidden depending on your type of BIOS, then you’ll have to look for information technology a bit.

iv. Utilise the Registry Editor

  1. Press Windows Key + R and enter regedit.
  2. When Registry Editor opens, navigate to the following key in the left pane:

  3. In the correct pane locate the
    value (This value represents your BIOS version. In our example information technology’due south 0507, simply it should exist different on your organisation).

  4. Optional:
    Some users are recommending to navigate to the following key and check the


     You tin can too double click
    value to see all the necessary data.


When Windows x starts, information regarding BIOS is stored in your registry and you tin can easily access information technology by opening
Registry Editor.

This is a powerful tool that can exist used to modify your system configuration, but today nosotros’re going to use it simply to view information.

5. Use DXDiag

  1. Press
    Windows Key + R, enter
    and press
    or click

  2. When
    opens, navigate to
    tab and look for
    BIOS department (Information technology should agree the necessary data regarding BIOS version).


DXDiag is
Diagnostic tool, and this tool is designed to help y’all fix DirectX bug. In improver, this tool will collect information regarding your hardware, display, and audio drivers.

half-dozen. Check the Mail service screen

When you plough on your PC, your calculator performs a hardware browse. During that procedure, certain computer information will announced on the screen.

In add-on, in that location might some data regarding your BIOS version on the top of the screen, so keep an open up eye.

Depending on your settings, this information might exist on the screen for a second or 2, so you’ll need to wait closely and write down your BIOS version.

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Few users advise that you can keep the organization information visible just past pressing the
keys while your system boots.

In addition, y’all might be able to pause Post process merely by pressing the
key on your keyboard, so be sure to effort that equally well.

7. Use BIOS update tool

If you lot’re looking for the version of your BIOS, you’re most likely planning to update it.

Updating BIOS is an avant-garde procedure, but many motherboard manufacturers provide a special tool that you can utilise to update your BIOS easily.

Many of these tools will show you the electric current version of BIOS, then you can easily know which version y’all need to install.

If you don’t programme to update your BIOS, be sure to avoid whatsoever BIOS update tools and use any other solution to discover out your BIOS version.

eight. Apply PowerShell

  1. Right-click on the Showtime button and select
    Windows PowerShell
    from the list.
  2. When PowerShell starts, enter
    Get-WmiObject win32_bios
    and press
    to run it.
  3. A listing of information will at present appear. Look for
    value. This value represents the version of your BIOS.


is a command-line tool similar to Control Prompt, but information technology has more power than Command Prompt. This is an extremely powerful tool that can do all sorts of things.

You can create automated scripts with it or remove core Windows 10 components. You tin also utilize PowerShell to check your BIOS version every bit shown above.

9. Use tertiary-political party tools

Co-ordinate to users, yous can hands notice your version of BIOS past using third-party tools such as
or CPU-Z.

Both of these apps have BIOS section and in there you lot tin can see all the necessary data regarding your BIOS, including the version of BIOS.

Checking your version of BIOS on Windows 10 is relatively easy, and y’all can do that simply past using any of the methods that nosotros showed yous in this article.