How Do I Update the Firmware on My Modem

How Do I Update the Firmware on My Modem

Your router is similar a gate that protects all your WiFi your devices from hackers. However, your router can’t block new threats unless you keep its firmware up to date. Here’s how to update your router to enhance the performance of all your devices and better your abode security.

How to Update Your Router

To update your router’s firmware, blazon your router’due south IP address into your spider web browser and enter your login information. Then locate the
section and download the latest firmware update on your router manufacturer’s website. Finally, upload the update and reboot the router.

Annotation: Your computer must be connected to your router’s network. Yous won’t be able to access your router’s settings if you lot are exterior of your router’s WiFi network.

  1. Blazon your routers IP accost into the search bar of any spider web browser.
    If you don’t know what your router’due south IP address is, check out our article on
    how to discover your router’southward IP address.

    Annotation: If y’all come across a screen that warns y’all about your connexion, you lot tin click Keep or Avant-garde > Go along.

    Proceed to router

  2. Enter your username and password.
    If this is your first fourth dimension logging into your router, y’all can discover the log-in data in your router’southward manual or on the router itself.

    Note: If you don’t remember your router’s username and password, you tin can reset your router and apply the default login information. To find out more than, check out our article on how to log into your router and alter its countersign.

    Log into router

  3. Locate the
    This can usually be plant in the
    Administration, or
    department. The location of this can vary depending on the brand and model of your router.

    router firmware update

    Note: If you don’t see this section, make certain to check your manufacturer’s website for steps specific to the brand and model of your router. Some routers besides get firmware updates automatically, and so you might not be able to update it manually.

  4. Go to your router manufacturer’south website.
    You can but search for your router’southward model number to notice the firmware update files.
  5. Download the firmware update file.
    This is often independent in a “.ZIP” file, which is a compressed binder containing ane or more files. Make certain you’re downloading the firmware update that is specifically for your router model.

    routers firmware download

  6. Extract the file and move it to your desktop.
    Since the files come in a Nil file, you volition have to extract information technology, meaning yous will move the files from the compressed folder to an alternate location. Open up the ZIP file and excerpt the firmware files out.

    Note: If you don’t know how to extract a Nothing file, check out our commodity on how to open a Cipher file on a Mac or PC here.

  7. In the
    department, click on
    Choose File
  8. Select the router update file on your desktop.
    This will usually be an image file, and the largest file in the Goose egg binder yous downloaded.
  9. Start the upgrade process.
    This can exist done past clicking on a button similar
    Update, or information technology might start automatically.
  10. Wait for the process to finish.
    Note that the update process can accept a few minutes, and information technology’south of import that yous don’t interrupt information technology. If you unplug or turn off the router, it tin can render the device unusable and may cause irreversible damage to your router.
  11. Reboot the router once the firmware has been fully applied.
    This should happen automatically, but if information technology doesn’t, you tin manually restart the router past pressing and holding downwards the reset button, which is usually found at the back of the device. Press and hold the button for 10 seconds or more. You lot should see your lights flicker or turn off and on.

How to Update Your Router

If you’re not able to update your router’s firmware, it might be fourth dimension to get a new router. Check out our list of the
all-time routers for 2020


Google Nest WiFi Router 3 Pack (2nd Generation) – 4x4 AC2200 Mesh Wi-Fi Routers with 6600 Sq Ft Coverage



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equally of June 29, 2022 10:17 am

Final updated on June 29, 2022 10:17 am

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How Do I Update the Firmware on My Modem

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