H96 Max Rockchip 3328 7.1 Factory Firmware

H96 Max Rockchip 3328 7.1 Factory Firmware

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I bought a Andoid Box Tv H96 Max RK3318 that as root

and SU. I want to install Magisk only I tin can’t because requite me a fault can some one inform if Magisk is compatible with this device? and if it is how I install.

how set up netflix utilize ? thank you

H96Max Rk3318 magisk

Hola pudisteis instalarlo? yo he probado de todo y no hay manera desde el twrp me da error y parcheando el boot se me queda bloqueado en el logo H96 y no tira el deco, probé con una versión anterior la 18.1 con twrp y me lo instalo pero el magisk director me pide actualizar y me dice que no está instalado…. Todo probado con el firmware sin root. Alguna solución??

Hola pudisteis instalarlo? yo he probado de todo y no hay manera desde el twrp me da fault y parcheando el kick se me queda bloqueado en el logo H96 y no tira el deco, probé con una versión anterior la eighteen.1 con twrp y me lo instalo pero el magisk manager me pide actualizar y me dice que no está instalado…. Todo probado con el firmware sin root. Alguna solución??

English only Josse, as per the forum rules. Thanks.
Sólo inglés Josse, como piden las reglas del foro. Gracias.

H96Max Rk3318 magisk
Hello, could y’all install information technology? I have tried everything and in that location is no way since the twrp gives me error and patching the kicking is locked in the H96 logo and does not throw the deco, I tried with an before version 18.ane with twrp and I install it merely the magisk managing director It asks me to update and tells me that it is not installed …. Everything tested with firmware without root. Whatever solution ??

H96Max Rk3318 magisk
Howdy, could you install information technology? I take tried everything and there is no way since the twrp gives me error and patching the kicking is locked in the H96 logo and does not throw the deco, I tried with an before version 18.1 with twrp and I install it but the magisk managing director Information technology asks me to update and tells me that information technology is not installed …. Everything tested with firmware without root. Any solution ??

Can yous share the TWRP img?

Aforementioned here! Tin can you please share a twrp working prototype for this device (and how to wink it)? Thank you in advance

Inviato dal mio MI PAD 4 utilizzando Tapatalk

clean flash to android 10

cannot mail link , search google
extract with rockchip android tool (dumper)
install magisk manager, patch kicking.img
go to developer carte du jour and wink patched magisk boot.img there

clean flash to android 10

cannot post link , search google
extract with rockchip android tool (dumper)
install magisk manager, patch kick.img
go to developer menu and wink patched magisk boot.img there

How did y’all wink ??
i tried flashing using SDCARD but end upward with getinfo failed Error…..!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tin can you help ?
rockchip android tool (dumper) — link Please
Whatsapp no +918510012696

make clean flash to android 10

cannot post link , search google
extract with rockchip android tool (dumper)
install magisk manager, patch boot.img
go to developer menu and flash patched magisk boot.img there

You got Android x ?

clean flash to android 10

cannot mail link , search google
extract with rockchip android tool (dumper)
install magisk director, patch kick.img
get to developer menu and wink patched magisk boot.img in that location

Tin can you share the process to install magisk. I am on android ten.

Where you find Android 10 firmware


  • Screenshot_20200524-160829.jpg


yeah, please search freaktab forum i got from at that place.

Tin can you share the process to install magisk. I am on android 10.

you should have raw organisation img file , then you can extract with rockchip tool

yes , that one.

delight search youtube how to make clean wink organisation via pc

Pm me the link can’t discover it on freaktab

h96 max download kicking fail

List of rockusb continued
DevNo=1 Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x320c,Layer=2-1-5 Maskrom
Constitute 1 rockusb,Select input DevNo,Rescan press <R>,Quit press <Q>:1

———————Tool Usage ———————
Help: H
Version: V
Quit: Q
Clear Screen: CS
——————Upgrade Command ——————
ChooseDevice: CD
SwitchDevice: SD
UpgradeFirmware: UF <Firmware> [-noreset] [DirectLBA]
UpgradeLoader: UL <Loader> [-noreset] [DirectLBA]
DownloadImage: DI <-p|-b|-chiliad|-s|-r|-thou prototype> [parameter file]
DownloadBoot: DB <Loader>
EraseFlash: EF <Loader|firmware> [DirectLBA]
LowerFormat: LF
—————-Professional Command —————–
TestDevice: TD
ResetDevice: RD [subcode]
ResetPipe: RP [pipe]
ReadCapability: RCB
ReadFlashID: RID
ReadFlashInfo: RFI
ReadChipInfo: RCI
ReadSector: RS <BeginSec> <SectorLen> [-decode] [File]
WriteSector: WS <BeginSec> <File>
ReadLBA: RL <BeginSec> <SectorLen> [File]
WriteLBA: WL <BeginSec> <File>
EraseBlock: EB <CS> <BeginBlock> <BlokcLen> [–Forcefulness]

Examination Device Neglect!
Read adequacy Fail!
Read wink ID Fail!
Read wink Info Fail!
Read Chip Info Fail!

Delight Aid me

I’yard accidentally flash h96 max 2/16 rk3318
Wrong firmware
Device not kicking

one red led on lath on
I’one thousand try to flash bootloader on maskrom mode simply deceit flash
Everytime download boot fail

I’1000 endeavor with
Rockchip Batch Tool,

Factory Tool and

Rockchip wink tools
All software says download boot fail
I’m endeavour many pc and usb cablevision but cant flash
Anyone know how to prepare this problam
Plesse help me


H96 max rk3318

Howdy All,
I Just flashed my H96 max rk3318 with Android 10 Firmware on Factory Tool. Everythings fine except every time I endeavour to connect Wifi it says at the end “time out”. Can anyone address this kind of trouble and maybe share a work around if known. Cheers in Advance ?

How did you flash ??
i tried flashing using SDCARD but end up with getinfo failed Error…..!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tin can you help ?
rockchip android tool (dumper) — link Please
Whatsapp no +918510012696

Hither has all the official explanation how can you lot practice the firmware update of the H96 Max RK3318:

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