Custom Firmware Terbaik Untuk Mod Vape Vaporizer Devices Yang Harus Dicoba Para Vapers.
Firmware kustom ini sangat luar biasa, dengan se abreg feature seperti Screensavers, 3D Animations, Clock, Advanced Vaping Features…
Kelebihan Kustom firmware ini akan memberi pengalaman ber-vaping kamu dengan memaksimalkan potensi hardware dan software dari devices / mod kamu, yang tidak kalah canggih Custom Firmware ini sudah disertakan game flappy bird jadi kamu bisa ngisi waktu iseng main flappy bird sambil ngevape.
Kompatibel hampir semua Mod terlaris seperti eVic VTC Mini, eVic VTC Dual, eVic VTwo Mini, eVic VTwo, eVic AIO, eVic Basic, eGrip II / Light, Cuboid, Cuboid Mini, Wismec Presa TC75W, Wismec Presa TC100W, Wismec Reuleaux, RX75, Wismec Reuleaux RX200S, Wismec Reuleaux RX2/3, Wismec Reuleaux RXmini, Reuleaux RX300, Vaponaute La Petite Box.
Custom Firmware Compatible:
- eVic VTC Mini
- eVic VTC Dual
- eVic VTwo Mini
- eVic VTwo
- eVic AIO
- eVic Basic
- eGrip II / Light
- Cuboid
- Cuboid Mini
- Wismec Presa TC75W
- Wismec Presa TC100W
- Wismec Reuleaux RX75
- Wismec Reuleaux RX200S
- Wismec Reuleaux RX2/3
- Wismec Reuleaux RXmini
- Reuleaux RX300(*)
- Others
- Vaponaute La Petite Box
Quick Guide:
1. Download Custom Firmware
-This Link Is Frequently Updated With The Latest Version (So be sure to check often for further updates) – Updated | February 1 2017
2. Flash the firmware via your manufacturer official update tool
3. Enjoy
Read below if you wish to understand the functions you’re getting and more detailed guide
Main Features:
The look-and-feel of the myevic firmware is more-or-less identical to the original firmware, so you shouldn’t be lost.
Many new features and options are made available through the menu system; I strongly encourage you to fully read the present documentation.
Once you’ve downloaded the firmware binary, you may:
- Use the manufacturer’s firmware updater to upload myevic.bin like you would with a usual firmware update from Joyetech or Wismec:
- Download the firmware updater package from the manufacturer Wismec or Joyetech, depending of the brand and model of your box. Be sure to pick the right software for the right box brand and model.
- Unzip the update package and launch the UpdateFirmware.exe (Joyetech) or UpdateWismec.exe (Wismec) found in the package.
- Plug your box into your PC via USB
Be sure you use a data-capable USB cable. Some cheap cables coming with some boxes only ensures box charging. If unsure, use the cable that came with your box. Once done, the updater window should show the model and version of your box. - Click the “Update” button; a file selection dialog will open. Select the “myevic.bin” file.
- Wait for the update process to complete.
If something goes wrong, retry to update. Update fails sometimes; this shouldn’t be a concern. - Enjoy.
- For linux/Cygwin users, use evic-usb to upload myevic.bin to your box, using command line:
evic-usb upload myevic.bin
- Use NFirmwareEditor or the FWUpdater part of the VTCFont package to upload myevic.bin to your box.
Video Review:
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