Cara Mematikan Monitor Laptop Saat Hdmi

Cara Mematikan Monitor Laptop Saat Hdmi

Jika Anda ingin
mematikan layar laptop momen menunggangi monitor eksternal
(turn off the laptop screen when using an external monitor)
, Anda dapat mengikuti panduan ini. Dimungkinkan bagi mematikan layar laptop dan konsisten menggunakan monitor eksternal – lain peduli berapa banyak Beliau telah terhubung ke laptop.

Menyetel sistem monitor ganda(set up a dual monitor)
Windows 11/10
relatif mudah – baik Anda menggunakan laptop atau komputer jinjing desktop. Banyak bani adam cerbak melembarkan laptop karena portabilitas. Jika Anda telah menggerutu monitor eksternal, cuma Ia merasa layar laptop tidak wajib bagi pekerjaan Anda, Anda bisa mematikannya. Secara terbelakang, Anda bisa mengubah pecah monitor ganda menjadi satu.(change from dual monitor to single.)

(Laptop Screen)
ketika memperalat
Monitor Eksternal
(External Monitor)

Untuk mematikan layar laptop momen memperalat monitor eksternal, ikuti panduan ini.

opsi Proyek dari Taskbar

Windows 11

Cara Mematikan Layar Laptop Saat Menggunakan Monitor Eksternal

ikon permakluman katai yang tertentang di sudut kanan bawah layar Kamu untuk membuka
Tindakan Cepat
(Quick Actions)
dan bikin nan diperlukan. Monitor eksternal dihidupkan sedangkan layar laptop dimatikan.

Windows 10

Cara mematikan layar laptop saat menggunakan monitor eksternal

Pusat Manuver
(Action Center)
Windows 10
, menawarkan beberapa opsi sekali klik untuk menciptakan menjadikan beraneka rupa perubahan intern sejumlah saat. Dari mengubah kecerahan cucur laptop hingga memilih satu monitor, Beliau bisa berbuat semuanya dari sini. Kerjakan memulai, ikuti awalan-awalan ini.

ikon kenyataan kerdil yang terlihat di sudut kanan bawah layar Engkau untuk membuka Pusat Tindakan di Windows 10(open Action Center in Windows 10)
. Jika Anda tidak boleh menemukan semua opsi, klik tombol
(Expand )

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Anda akan mengaram opsi yang disebut
. Setelah mengklik ikon
(Project )
, pilih
cucur Kedua belaka
(Second screen only)
mulai sejak daftar.

Kini, Anda akan melihat bahwa monitor eksternal dihidupkan sedangkan layar laptop dimatikan.

2] Ubah bermula Pengaturan Windows

Windows 11

Cara Mematikan Layar Laptop Saat Menggunakan Monitor Eksternal

Panel Pengaturan
(Windows Settings)
menyertakan opsi nan sama begitu juga sebelumnya. Jika Kamu memperalat
Windows 11
, Anda harus mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

  1. Press Win+I
    bakal membuka
    Pengaturan Windows
    (Windows Settings)
  2. Pastikan Anda berada di tab
    Sistem .
  3. Klik
    di jihat kanan.
  4. Perluas daftar tarik-roboh Perpanjang tampilan ini
  5. Pilih opsi Tampilkan hanya pada 2.
  6. Klik tombol Simpan persilihan.

Windows 10

Panel Pengaturan
(Windows Settings)
menyertakan opsi nan sama sama dengan sebelumnya. Bakal itu, Anda mesti menekan
untuk membuka Pengaturan Windows lebih-lebih silam(open the Windows Settings first)
. Setelah itu, buka
System > Display
. Pasca- menggulir sedikit, Anda dapat menemukan judul yang disebut
Beberapa tampilan
(Multiple displays)
. Di sini, Beliau teristiadat memperluas daftar drop-down, dan memperbedakan
Show only on 2

Itu hanya! Mulai sekarang dan seterusnya, Anda hanya boleh menemukan monitor eksternal nan menampilkan data Ia. Sekiranya Beliau ingin mengembalikan perubahan, Anda perlu menelanjangi panel yang sekelas dan memintal opsi begitu juga sebelumnya.

Semoga membantu!

How to turn off Laptop Screen when using External Monitor

If you want to
turn off the laptop screen when using an external monitor, you can follow this guide. It is possible to switch off the laptop screen and keep using the external monitor – no matter how many you have connected to the laptop.

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It is relatively easy to set up a dual monitor system with Windows 11/10 – no matter whether you are using a laptop or a desktop computer. Many people often opt for a laptop because of portability. If you have already connected an external monitor, but you found the laptop screen not mandatory for your work, it is possible to turn it off. In simple terms, you can change from dual monitor to single.

Turn off Laptop Screen when using External Monitor

To turn off the laptop screen when using an external monitor, follow this guide.

1] Use the Project option from the Taskbar

Windows 11

How to turn off Laptop Screen when using External Monitor

Click on the tiny notification icon visible on the bottom-right corner of your screen to open Quick Actions and do the needful. The external monitor is turned on whereas the laptop’s screen is switched off.

Windows 10

How to turn off laptop screen when using external monitor

Action Center in Windows 10, offers some one-click options to make various changes within moments. From changing the laptop screen brightness to opt for a single monitor, you can do everything from here. To get started, do follow these steps.

Click on the tiny notification icon visible on the bottom-right corner of your screen to open Action Center in Windows 10. If you cannot find all the options, click on the

You should see an option called
Project. After clicking the
icon, select the
Second screen only
from the list.

Now, you should see that the external monitor is turned on whereas the laptop’s screen is switched off.

2] Change from Windows Settings

Windows 11

How to turn off Laptop Screen when using External Monitor

The Windows Settings panel includes the same option as earlier. If you are using Windows 11, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Press Win+I to open Windows Settings.
  2. Ensure that you are in the System tab.
  3. Click on the Display menu on the right side.
  4. Expand the Extend these displays drop-down list.
  5. Choose the Show only on 2 option.
  6. Click the Keep changes button.
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Windows 10

The Windows Settings panel includes the same option as earlier. For that, you need to press
to open the Windows Settings first. After that, go to
System > Display. After scrolling a bit, you can find a heading called
Multiple displays. Here, you need to expand the drop-down list, and select
Show only on 2

That’s all! From now onward, you can find only the external monitor showing your data. If you want to revert the change, you need to open the same panel and select the option as before.

Hope it helps!

Cara Mematikan Monitor Laptop Saat Hdmi


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