Keep Your Pc on Until This is Done

Keep Your Pc on Until This is Done

FIX: Keep Your PC on Until This is Done

Ivan Jenic

Passionate about all elements related to Windows and combined with his innate curiosity, Ivan has delved deep into understanding this operating system, with a specialization in drivers and… read more


To fix various PC problems, we recommend DriverFix:

This software will keep your drivers up and running, thus keeping you safe from common computer errors and hardware failure. Check all your drivers now in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download DriverFix
    (verified download file).
  2. Click
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  3. Click
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    to get new versions and avoid system malfunctionings.
  • DriverFix has been downloaded by
    readers this month.

Updates are useful for our computers, but applying them could be annoying and boring sometimes. Especially if some error occurs and you end up stuck with installing just one update for hours.

Unfortunately, your computer may sometimes freeze while configuring updates. This issue may trigger various error messages, such as ‘Please do not power off or unplug your machine‘ or ‘Keep Your PC on Mengangsur This is Done‘. Of course, taking hours to install an update is not a normal thing, but luckily, this issue can be fixed.

You downloaded your updates as usual, but when you restarted the computer, you noticed that Windows is taking much longer than usual to configure an update, and it keeps you stuck there for hours. Obviously, there’s an error in configuring updates, and to solve this do the following.

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Keep your PC on berayun-ayun this is done while installing update

  1. Restart your computer
  2. Enter Safe Tendensi
  3. Use System Restore
  4. Disable your antivirus

Solution 1: Restart your computer

Press and hold the power button for a couple of settings, until your computer shuts down. After that, turn on your computer and check if you’re able to boot normally.

Solution 2: Use the Windows install disc

If even restoring the system didn’cakrawala work, try to repair your system files with the Windows installation disc. Insert the disc, reboot your system, but instead of installing a new, fresh copy of Windows, choose Upgrade and it should repair your system files, without deleting your data.

Solution 3: Use System Restore

If you’re able to boot normally, you’re good to go, otherwise try to start your system in Safe Mode and perform System Restore. To do that, perform the following steps:

  1. Boot your PC and press F8 while it boots
  2. You’ll get a simple, text based menu called Advanced Boot Options. In Advanced Boot Options select Safe Mode
  3. The system will boot
  4. While you’re in Safe Mode, go to Search, type system restore and open System Restore
  5. Follow the wizard ans select the latest check point that worked
  6. Complete the installation, let the system restart and wait a couple of minutes

Your system should be restored to the latest working configuration now.

Alternatively, we recommend using professional software that can do this automatically, with just a few clicks.

Restoring your system to a previous state can fix a number of system issues. A simpler way to safely restore your system is using a specialized tool that can do all the work for you.

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will automatically scan your PC for problematic files and will replace all critical Windows system files that are malfunctioning with previous versions that are working perfectly.

Here’s how you can perform this action:

  1. Download and install Restoro.
  2. Launch the application.
  3. Wait for it to find any system stability issues.
  4. Press
    Tiba Repair.
  5. Restart your PC for all the changes to take effect.

The built-in system restoration tool will revert your Windows to a previous version, therefore you can lose some precious data that was saved after the restoration point was made. You can always return your system to its pre-repair condition.

⇒ Get Restoro

This programa needs to be upgraded from the free version in order to perform some specific actions.

  • RELATED: Fix: ‘Configuring windows updates 100% complete don’n turn off your computer’ on Windows 10

Solution 4: Disable your antivirus

Sometimes, your antivirus and firewall tools may block your updates. Try turning these tools off and check if this method solved your problem.


  • How to Delete Downloaded Windows Updates Which Failed to Install
  • Windows Updates message gets your computer stuck? Here’s the fix
  • Fix: No Internet Connection after installing Windows updates

idee restoro
Still having issues?
Fix them with this tool:

  1. Download this PC Repair Tool
    rated Great on
    (download starts on this page).
  2. Click
    Start Scan
    to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.
  3. Click
    Repair All
    to fix issues with Patented Technologies
    (Exclusive Discount for our readers).

Restoro has been downloaded by
readers this month.

Keep Your Pc on Until This is Done


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